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I'm married, Im a manager at Victoria's Secert, love my dogs, and I graduated from ABC to be a Biblical counselor

Monday, September 17, 2012

The light in the cave

Light in darkness
I John 1:5-7
This, in essence, is the message we heard
from Christ and are passing on to you:
God is light, pure light; there’s not a trace of darkness in him.
6-7 If we claim that we
experience a shared life with him and continue to stumble around in the dark,
we’re obviously lying through our teeth—we’re not living what we claim.
But if we walk in the light, God himself being the light, we also experience a shared life with one another, as the sacrificed blood of Jesus, God’s Son, purges all our sin.

My brain works like this when I'm reading.
 Light and think light in darkness 
I've seen that light is cool. Light shows. 
There's an Emmy award for that. 
So weird that there's an award for that. 
Light creates shadows. shadow puppets. 
How does that work? Google "how stuff works.com" 
to figure out how light works. 

Light is strange. It's something that is 
obvious and yet mysterious.
We see glimmers of its affects in rainbows, 
as its beams filter thru the curtains, 
when the sunrise reflects all over the pavement. 
 As we enjoy the light and 
start studying it there are only more questions. 
It would be easy to assume 
scientist have it all figured out 
but it's funny you should say that 

Example We've always taken for granted that light 
travels faster than anything 
in the universe. Then, in 1999, 
researchers at Harvard University were able to 
slow a beam of light down to 38 miles an hour 
(61 kilometers per hour) by 
passing it through a state of matter known 
as a Bose-Einstein condensate. That's 
almost 18 million times slower than normal!
 No one would have thought such a 
feat possible just a few years ago,
 yet this is the capricious way of light. 
Just when you think you have it figured out, 
it defies your efforts and seems to 
change its nature. But it hasn't light is consistent 
but our understanding changes. (howstuffworks.com)

John does this amazing thing where
 he compares being with god to light.  
Making the efforts to show us that just as
 light burst through darkness so does god and 
makes it possible to be with him in light
 to see what Christ has done for us. we 
can see better in the light.  
when i was younger we went to the canyon and we got 
to go into caves and its pitch black
...im sure youve done this too. 
i mean really dark where you cant see your own 
hand in front of your face no matter how hard
 you try but as you trip over rocks, 
hear bats, and grab ahold of your dads hand  
you continue to take steps out of 
the cave and one stream of light beams through
 a pinhole above you and helps you to 
see a fuzzy image of what you know is your hand. 
 Its like when we are with Christ
 when we walk in the light as he is in the light 
we see things clearer. 
We begin to recognize his light in us,  we begin to see 
that the love he poured out to us 
is to be poured out on others, we begin to see 
the kingdom beginning to come to earth. 
so the story continues 

As we discover God  in the light and it exposes
 what is there may we grab onto 
his hand and trip over rocks as we move towards the light. 
May we share his love 
that he has poured onto us as we continue
 to see the kingdom here and now in those moments.  
may we be apart of the story as it continues 

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