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I'm married, Im a manager at Victoria's Secert, love my dogs, and I graduated from ABC to be a Biblical counselor

Saturday, September 29, 2012


Im starting to see death more and more as I grow older.

My first experience was when I was 7. It was a boy named Tommy. See Tommy was special, he was born deformed and could barely walk, speak, and really interact with others. Tommy kept getting cancer. It just wouldn't stop. It would go away for awhile and just comeback again. One day cancer finally took Tommy and when it was my turn to go see him at his casket I just stared at him. I didnt know what to do or really say I was just a kid ya know? Should I laugh or should I cry?

After time I figured out people just kept dying. From car accidents, old age, and illness.

Then the major death of a well known student in highschool over took our community and it was the same emotion, I didnt know what to do or say

Next my sister, a coworker, a friends mother.....it just kept happening and then on the night where a close friends father passed it hit me. Death sucks....but its apart of life.....its the cycle.....I may not understand it...but for strange reason I will celebrate it...... it reminded me how special life really is and how I owe it to that person to celebrate them and myself.....here is what I posted on facebook that summons up how I felt......

Oh life how you confuse me. As we celebrate friendship, shed tears,dance and grieve the night away may we embrace the love that is here and now. I will dance and drink this last one is for you


  1. Beautiful words. May we try to remember to celebrate the beauty of a person's life even as we mourn and ask why. Nanette, thank you for sharing your heart. Love you

  2. I agree...beautiful words. Death is hard, and I'm kind of in the place where you were when you were little. I haven't had much experience with death. I know how to react to it, of course, because I'm older now. However, it's still confusing, and honestly, quite distant for me.
    My first experience with death was when my grandfather died. I was only 7, and it was confusing. I was not allowed to go to his funeral even though I was VERY close to him. We even went on "dates," but that's another story. Then, my next "close" experience came 18 years later when a friend/boy I liked in high school died on a motorcycle. That was tough. I still find it hard to think about because I never really got to talk to him again after high school. We were close in high school, but we were both married, so I didn't find it appropriate to email him or contact him. It's still tough because I never got to say goodbye. About 2 years later (a year ago), a little girl from Joshua's daycare died. That's when it was really hard because even though I didn't know her very well, I found myself questioning God. Why this little girl? She was so innocent. Why take her at such a young age...she wasn't even 1. I'm scared of death, honestly. And who isn't, really...when they really think of it? I'm not scared of my own death necessarily, but the death of the people around me. The older I get, the more experience I'm going to have with it. How am I going to handle it? I don't really know because I haven't had much experience with it. And, the experiences I have had, haven't even been people that have been that close to me (besides my grandpa, but I was so young). Anyway, I don't know why I'm sharing all of this on YOUR blog lol, but I just felt like I needed to share it with someone. I agree, in death, we should treasure life...celebrate the here and now. Love you!

  3. By the way, I'm so sorry that you have had to experience so much death. However, I'm so proud of you for handling it the way you have. It's easy in a hard situation to run away or to question God...believe me, I know. But, you didn't- You found a way to celebrate! XOXO


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