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I'm married, Im a manager at Victoria's Secert, love my dogs, and I graduated from ABC to be a Biblical counselor

Friday, August 23, 2013


So, some of you have been curious about a term I use regularly: fakeship. I have come up with a series of questions and hope I am able to clearly define this term for you. So, here it goes.

What is a fakeship?
A fakeship is that middle ground between acquaintance and an actual friendship. There is occasional dialog with little or no substance. The rare drunk "hey, what's up text!". Mainly seen by the public on social media sites such as Facebook or Twitter. It may appear to the general public that these people hang out all the time, best of buds. When in reality these two people don't give a crap about each others real problems or what they are dealing with rather just interested in , subconsciously, keeping up appearances  of a normal connection between two people. Besides the cyber connection they don't speak or see each other outside of these realms normally.

How do they start?
Typically through actual friends, coworkers, or local churches. Fakeships aren't tied to any one race,gender, community type, religion, or part of the country.  They start with a text or another person liking your FB status about the lack of parking spaces at your local supermarket. There is a connection, maybe even the basis of a real friendship but for what ever reason nothing moves past the fakeship stage.

How do you maintain a fakeship?
Mainly by social media, texting or brief encounters at large social gatherings such as holiday parties, conferences, PTA or church meetings. There are hugs and quick catches up before hitting the food or wine (if provided) Side note: alcohol can be a great fuel for a fake ship if used properly. Once one-two drinks have been consumed, depending on tolerance, the entire room could be in a fake ship with you! However, just as with alcohol moderation is the key. 

Is there any benefit or harm to having one or more fakeships?
The short answer to both is no. The harm can be that if one acquires too many fakeships and not retaining any real friendships or relationships. The benefit is you get invited to a lot of parties, you'll have a lot of network connections. Again, moderation is the key.

How many fakeships can you have? 
That's the beauty of it. See, these fakeships take little amounts of maintenance  just enough social front to make it appear that there is substance there. With the minimal energy spent on fake ships the possibilities are endless.  

There is a lot that you have mentioned about the qualities of a fakeship that are also in most friendships,what's the difference?
Point blank : the difference between a friendship and a fakeship is at the end of the day real friends give a shit. When you're not at your best. When someone close to you dies. When you're wrong. When you're a mess. They don't distance themselves, nope, they continue to just be there. They don't try to fix it or give you a scripture prescription for your problem. They care about the random, the weird, and the mundane parts of your life. Fakeships when faced with the slightest problems dissolve quicker than they even began.

At the end of the day I personally would rather have 2-3 real friendships than 5000 fakeships. So, carry on, we are all guilty at some point or another of fostering a fakeship or two. Just be aware of what's real and what's not and the potential danger of too many fakeships. Again, as in all things, moderation.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

A prayer for those who I don't come into contact with today

Father God 
We pray for those we are not in direct contact with. 
we pray that those whom we can not see, touch or sense 
we pray they find your peace and rest through your spirit and in their soul. 
That through prayer, nature, or art you connect us to you father. 
Help us pause to put your name on those we don't see today 
give them strength 
give them relief 
Give them power
Thank you for the ability to place your name over multiple people at this time 
Thank you the power of your presence 

Monday, August 12, 2013

A prayer of thankfulness

Messiah  you have risen
Thank you God that you sent your son
You have conquered death
You have come to bring humanity together 
Thank you for the glimpses of the kingdom here on earth 
You stripped down and came to be with us and one of us 
You never give up, you never fail us
Many times we mess up, we forget, we don't understand the magnitude of your love
Help us remain thankful
Help us to keep our hearts full of your love 
Thank you for saving us 
Thank you for wanting to save us and give us life

Sunday, August 11, 2013

A prayer for those who we come into contact with today

 Dear Jesus 
We pray for those to whom we speak, touch,and sense  see your light in us
We pray that your spirit guides us
That through touch of hand, speech or heart you connect us to you father. 
Help us be aware of the broken and battered 
Help us speak truth to others
Help us be patient and kind 
Thank you for relationships 
Thank you for giving us each other and what we learn from each person we see today
They are yours father

Saturday, August 10, 2013

A prayer of intention

DAY 4 a prayer for intention. May we not waste any moments today. A smile or hug or kind word is all it takes.  I invite you to pray with me. May our hearts and words focus on uplifting each other. May our minds focus on Him. May we be open to what He  has to show us. 

We pray for your guidance
We thank you for the opportunities you will give us today to show your love
Help us to realize your presence 
Help us to be aware of those around us who are broken and in need of a kind word
Show us ways to uplift others 
Give us words to encourage the body 
Help us to stop and recognize your spirit within us 
Thank you for being close to us 
Thank you for not staying away 
Give us the discernment to make the most of each moment today 

Friday, August 9, 2013

A prayer for those who are living with fear

DAY 3  a prayer for those who are experiencing fear. I've decided over the next 7 days to focus and pray for specific things. I invite you to pray with me. May our hearts and words focus on uplifting each other. May our minds focus on Him. May we be open to what He  has to show us. 

A prayer for those who are fearful
Dear God,
We feel like we are in a battle
Our bodies and minds are tried
This fear brings unwanted sadness and doubt 
We feel like waves are crashing down and our sand castle is crumbling 
We feel the darkness trying to close in 
We don't know the next move, there is a lot of doubt dwelling in us
Please re call to us your promises and your word 
Overtake our fear and show us your peace 
Help us to breathe 
Help us to take a moment to remember your truth 
Thank you for never leaving, help us reach for you 
Thank you for helping us trust you
Thank you for helping us overcome

Thursday, August 8, 2013

A prayer of reflection

A prayer of reflection 
God you are awesome
You have given us many blessings
Amazing family and friends
A church body who is committed to your purpose 
Thank you for the many ways to show your love to others
You have given us a life full of abundance
You have shown us your beautiful idea of humanity living life to the fullest 
Praise be to you the giver of life
Thank you for giving us moments of peace, moments of joy, moments of bliss 
Praise be to you for blessing my mind and my soul 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

A prayer for those who are dealing with loss

So, I've been intrigued by prayer over the last few months. On continuing my journery to invest in prayer, I've decided over the next 7 days to focus and pray for specific things. I'll be posting them on here.  I invite you to pray with me as your heart leads you. If you want to text, call, message or even meet me on any of the days (as schedules see fit) I'm more than happy to do so.  May our hearts and words focus on uplifting each other. May our minds focus on Him. May we be open to what He  has to show us. 

A prayer for those who are dealing with loss
This void hurts
This is hard 
We don't understand and we are not ok
We are grieving, hurting, and crying 
We can't bear the pain 
Help us to remember the hope you bring us
The love you embrace us with while we process this loss
Hold our hearts, wipe away our tears 
Thank you for moments of healing through our loved ones around us, your word, and your spirit 

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Tuna on flight 1680

Boarding the plane from a wonderful time in paradise back home.
Back to funerals, business trips, and daily traffic commutes with spilled coffee and mild cursing  during merging. Daily routine slips back into the drivers seat. Sniff sniff. Is that...tuna? It's annoying enough to hear crying babies or to sit in a cramped seat...but tuna...come on.

The flight attendant flutters by "alrighty folks you're setting in an exit row. Are you able and willing to assist in the case of an emergency?" I answered "sure" as if I had a choice.  I was apathetic but the lady next to me accepted her honor a little more seriously than I.  As if sitting in the exit row gave her this power and prestige over the other patrons. Her gain of control over the task of potentially saving lives was odd...odd like that smell of tuna. 

I would say i don't like to be in control, but i would be lying. I like knowing. I like having direction. I liked controlled chaos. I'd like to snatch that tuna sand which and throw it out the window and watch it fall through the clouds. But I couldn't just get up from my exit row throne and lunge over the seats now could I? I had no control. I could only accept.

But that's life. The more control I thought I had the less I actually had. As I reflected on how little control I had over my life I began to feel myself aging. A little wisdom, with a new epiphany came a wrinkle. I felt small, like a slowing fading shadow. To sit in an upright seat, fasten seatbelt and be forced to reflect was painful. To realize the two drastic sides of life was gut churning . Time slid its crusty feeble hand into mine and it took me to this place.

This place where life  is kind until it morphs into death. Desperately grasping my faith like a bar of slippery soap. Where my memories aren't even real just mere perspectives of bits and pieces of broken reality. What was even real? The tuna. The tuna was real. My emotions. My emotions were real. My pain. My pain was real. Real but fading. My emotions, my pain, the tuna smell. Inhale....exhale...inhale...oh nope tuna smell still there.

Sitting upright, seatbelt fasten, tuna fading ......release 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Soul repair

Soul repair 
At my souls birth it was fresh and clean and whole
As time wears on my soul begins to fade
A fear
A slur 
A hurt
A hangup
The tiny flaws grow as vines and wraps tightly around my soul 
Suffering, anguish, and death infests the souls walls 
Then one day the spirt spoke and breathed life into me 
The vines began to shrivel and die 
And my soul was released from the chains that it weighed down 
Now I can breathe 
Not as before 
But alive with the ability to exhale 
I began to gather scraps 
A love
A song
A kiss
A kind word
The tiny experiences are as patches holding my soul together
Waiting for full restoration 
Love, hope, and light want to flood my soul 
Until then my patches and scraps will hold my soul together for now

Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Jesus diet

Beep beep beep beep.......snooze.......beep beep beep beep. Feet hit the floor and you take your stroll to the bathroom and you look in the mirror, little extra belly flab exposed  from your shirt. Not feeling the best you step onto the scale. Sigh. Making your way into the kitchen you have time to grab a bagel or the powdered donuts  left over from a week ago. Time for a diet. Now if you're like most people you see that little extra flab and start this revolutionary diet to lose the weight and return to normal eating habits once you reach your goal.

I see a similar trend in the church. We see the flab, the flaws or needs, and we start the diet. We go to church and get our fix. We show up and try to cleanse ourselves of all the carbs, sugars and fats. Some may even begin this spiritual anorexia where they starve themselves  in order to be what they desire. Or spiritual bulimia where they gorge on spiritual meanings and church systems.  We get on the new workout or diet bandwagon until we see that piece of cake or side of French fries.

In reality the carbs, sugars and fats are not bad for us its about context and moderation of a balanced diet. Just as the dancing, alcohol, and "secular" music are not bad for us it's about context and moderation of a balanced life.

The key to a balanced life is not extreme dieting or cutting out all sources of carbs. The key is moderation and making it a lifestyle. When you treat the church as a diet there is no change, no lifestyle. When you treat the church as a diet you're only using it to get what you want out of it:weight lose vs a lifestyle of living a healthy life. 

So don't suffer from spiritual anorexia, don't deprive yourself of living a balance life. Don't  gorge yourself on the churches systems and regulations. The church is meant to be only a supplement to main thing:Jesus. Jesus the picture of God who paints a picture of how I want to live life.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Stuck in the 80's

Remember those pictures from the 80s? Did we not look ridiculous? At the time whatever fashion trend was rearing its ugly head we were on board. Wind breakers, mullets, and hammer pants .......you name it. I can't believe my mom dressed me that way or I wanted to dress that way. I thought I was in the now and most current. I was in no need of an upgrade.

What if they never updated your iPhone  or your car? Would you want to still be walking around with a phone that couldn't text or take pictures? Cranking your engine to start your car? Upgrades. Same with equality. Same way with how we interpret scripture. Same with our understanding of humanity. Without an upgrade will we not look back and say "wow we looked ridiculous?" I believe that somethings don't change like loving your neighbor, living a holy life, be a contributing member of society. I do believe that how we are able to do these things will change. The vehicle in which we live these out adapt to the culture in which we live. 

There is a difference between adapting to culture and becoming culture. Adapting to culture is recognizing what is happening around you and being relevant to be able to communicate ideas, opinions and thought processes. Becoming culture is transforming into  what culture already believes and thinks while abandoning your original mindset. Now, what I pray and hope for is transforming culture where I have my mindset of beliefs and along with adapting to be relevant within culture I have the ability to influence culture in such a way that it changes. 

So, back to the picture. How will you appreciate your naive perception of "fashion" looking back at it now? Has it played a part in your fashion choices now? Well, be thankful for the questionable choices you made on how to wear your hair or what shoes to wear on your feet........ they helped you make you who you are today.  So, this is a thank you to all the bad perms and jelly sandals who made me who I am today. May we not stay stuck in the 80's. Be thankful for your journey but it is time for an upgrade. 

Friday, May 17, 2013

Writers block

As I'm continuing my adventure of writing a book I've come a bit of a block. However I've gathering all my insight and blocked them into the following chapters.

1. The suit, the tie and the pulpit said so.

2. What is a terrorist?

3. Jesus the picture of the true God

4.God is not a terrorist 

5.No more tears, no more sorrow, no  more shit

6.The upside down kingdom

So taking a break for now but hoping to pick back up mid June in writing 

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Hands folded and now what?


Ephesians 6:18 
And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. (NIV)

I'm seeking to follow a homeless Jewish man named Jesus who wanted to share how big Gods love is for all humanity. To do that prayer is mixed in there somewhere. However, it may sound strange, but I'm trying to get back into prayers and as of now to do that I'm reciting something I wrote. 

One for those that I'm in direct contact with.
 I pray that those whom I speak, touch,and sense  see your light in me as your spirit guides me.  That through touch of hand, speech or heart you connect us to you father. 

Two for those that I'm not in direct contact with. I pray that those whom I can not see, touch or sense find your peace and rest through your spirit and in their soul. That through prayer, nature, or art you connect us to you father. 


Monday, April 15, 2013

Why did they have to pee in my end of the pool?

You know when you're a kid you long to feel safe? Wether it be in your mothers arms, sleeping with your teddy bear or when you're  wearing those arm floaties in the pool. You know, it's mid summer at least 110 degrees and you are ready for a day at the pool. Sunglasses, batman swim trunks and your floaties. You take that first step into the pool and you get little chill bumps and you ease into the water. There you are in the shallow end with your floaties knee deep, seeing clearly to the bottom. You splash and even sit with your head above water. It couldn't be more perfect when all of sudden.....you see....could that be? Ewwww  and its yellow......Someone peed in the pool! 

This is how I feel about my understanding of God. There I was....safe. I could see everything clearly. I was at the surface with my floaties. Had all the answers. At that point I wanted to feel certain rather than be correct. I wanted to be told what to do and what not to do. But as I started soul seeking and growing up I began to see the theology I believed was hurting people. The things I were taught sounded good but practical application was shaky. The single mom, the gay friend, the Buddhist, and the female pastor all came and peed  in my end of the pool. Why did they have to come and pee in my end of the pool?! Now I had to get out and go to the big people pool, with the deep end! 

But that pee made me take my floaties and pushed me to go to the deeper end. Away from the shallow end. At first I was scared. I couldn't see the bottom, it seemed uncertain. After some time I liked the deeper end. It challenged me and forced me to work on swimming and after time the floaties came off! I've learned that God wants me in the deep end. The things that have made me think critically, throw books and make me uncomfortable push me to seek God in a whole new way. It's exciting! 

I encourage you take off the floaties and dive in! Seeking God doesn't always feel safe.
Don't take as long as I did to get to the deep end. Don't wait for someone to pee in your end of the pool. 

Sunday, March 24, 2013

God is not a terrorist

As the suit and tie from the pulpit proclaimed: The Lord will return to unleash a righteous wrath amongst the people to show his fathers glory. To rapture those who are his unto himself and others will burn in an eternity of hell....

Really? Righteous wrath? Killing to show the father in all his glory? Terrorist  much? 
Is it against unrighteousness  or unrighteousness  people? Will he abolish those things that hold us captive as humanity in a sinful state? He comes to restore, to redeem, to put back together. So why are we claiming that he is coming back on a horse or a trumpet or a cloud to destroy the very people he wants to save?  It will be joining heaven and earth together all that is wrong will be now made right. No more tears, no more sickness, no more sorrow, no more shit. 

As I study scripture and discover who Jesus is and how he is the picture of God I don't see the war lord we have claimed he is. God is not a terrorist! God is not a war lord! God is not a military leader! No! I have experienced a God who wants his people to experience life. A God that says be at peace with all men. A God who wants us to be a part of the upside down kingdom where the first will be last and the last will be first. A God who does not use scare tactics to draw people to him.  I see a father who loves his children who would do anything to see them be apart of the story of reconciliation. How can a father who desperately loves his children want to strike them down? Is it he loves his people and hates what sin has done to them? Has he come to rescue us not from us but from the devastating effects of sin and the choices we have made? 

For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. 

More to come.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

We get stuff done

How does one have her cake and eat it to? Can it even be done? I think so, to a point. There is a way to be fab and diva without being rude and a bitch. I think I've proven this. I've been a high performer at my job without sucking up or stepping on people. I do this by sticking to the following:

1. Be fierce, intense but fair
2. Develop people to be smarter than me
3. Open communication, not one sided but real street
4. Assume positive intent, not everyone is out to get me
5. Never get bored, be self aware if I get bored its time to mix things up and reboot

Monday, January 14, 2013

Bread of life

As I was giving the conversation a week or so ago I stated that god never gives up on humanity. After church someone asked me but what about the flood or if we choose to walk away.

Fair question.

Which I responded with 2 things
1. I don't see the Old Testament as god breathing fire and wrath on his people rather the people of the time and their viewpoint of who and what they thought god was
2. Even if you see all these happening as gods direct reflect..he still soared Noah. So humanity as a whole he doesn't give up.

As I have thought and studied more on the subject I have still arrived at the same conclusion:
Jesus doesnt give up on humanity.   
- religious leaders 
I cant tell you how many conversations we had with people this last week. That you dont have to live in guilt and condemnation. It wasnt like we handed them a track and started quoting verses...no this all came up in natural conversation with multiple people. people are seeking and they dont know that they can give up the control, the bitterness, the hate, the guilt. that has all been put to death and now its time to live. 
- From the beginning Adam and Eve he could of easily said well that escalated quickly lets just start over no. Even after they mess up God says im still here, he makes them clothes and still talks to them. He doesnt throw them out on the street and remain in Eden. no he follows us. Even though sin was raging he saves noah to continue the beautiful story of humanity and tells him how to build a cruise ship to save them and the animals cause Gods an animal lover. David lies cheats steals kills and yet a man after Gods on own heart and i could stand up here all day and give you all examples in the bible and outside the bible that will show you that no matter what happens God doesnt abandon his people...ever... we might try to abandon him but he says this is part of the story. Hes still there.
so if you dont take away anything else from this morning please listen to me when I say God has more for you. Whatever you are seeking he wants to give it  to you in abundance. Peace, happiness, restoration....he wants to give you the bread of life.

Sunday, January 6, 2013


I've heard it said they'll get what's coming to them.....
But what if its not in the way you think? I have nothing to back this up but what if god just takes all that stuff away. Instead of repaying the evil with wrath we have created in our mind but instead  that he took away all the hurt, the suffering, and tally marks? We feel that we have to repay....but justice is making everything right. Wrath vs reconciliation. What if he just takes it all away and restores both parties..just something to think about before we begin to harbor bitterness  in the name of Jesus....that's dangerous 

Because in the upside down kingdom it is not an eye for an eye but rather
 for every hurt a loving embrace 
 For every death a sea of peace
For every pain a song of joy 

Thursday, January 3, 2013

A song I wrote

What would you do if the world ended today
Would you look back and say you did all you could do
Or would you laugh a littler longer cry more tears
 Maybe even have one more beer
Wish upon another shooting star in the sky 

Peace like a river

People live life as time can be used again 
They don't know that people can be gone in a flash 
Don't say what they really think 
But I bet that thought never even crossed your mind 
Tell em that you love them and they mean the world to you

Love like an ocean

One day you hear those cruel words
Here one moment in your arms and gone the next
As they lower her into the ground wind blows (skip)
dirt hits the ground 
Start to even wonder what your own souls worth 

Joy  like an fountain

What would you do if your life ended today
Would you look back and say you didn't do all you could do
Or would grab deaths hand give him a kiss 
Start the long stroll towards eternal blissful 
Never even looking  back to try to say  goodbye


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