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I'm married, Im a manager at Victoria's Secert, love my dogs, and I graduated from ABC to be a Biblical counselor

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Dear God.....

As funny as this is, it is also true. What ever happened to loving people and just being there for one another? To come to the point that we might not agree on everything AND that being ok. We are all just in the dark sort of speak looking for the light switch. This is why I'm so committed to Novitas church. This is our mission we are attempting to carry out- To reunite people with God and help them follow Jesus Christ by providing avenues for learning, worship, transformation and mission.

Reunite: 1. to bring together again 2. to come together again: rejoin
Jesus Christ: 1. a teacher and prophet of the first century, whose life and teachings form the basis of Christianity; 2. the Son of God and the Christ, a person who is both God and man, the Messiah sent by God to save the human race from the sin it inherited through the Fall of Man.
Avenues: 1. a way of access : route 2. a channel for pursuing a desired object
Learning: 1. the act or experience of one that learns 2. knowledge or skill acquired by instruction or study 3. modification of a behavioral tendency by experience
Worship: 1. the free expression of one's love and adoration for God; 2. wholehearted devotion to God; 3. to make God the center of one’s thoughts and attention.
Transformation: 1. the act or process of changing in form, appearance, nature, or character.
Mission: 1. an assigned duty or task; calling; vocation; 2. a sending or being sent for some duty or purpose.
We have miles to go and wounds to heal....but we will do it together.

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