Things I would teach if I were teaching a driving class I would highlight the following:
1. Merge
2. Doesn't kill you to let someone over maybe even more than one.
3. Texting, putting on makeup, facebooking, and shaving in the car can be done ALL at the same time AND still be safe ( note to self: future blog on the joys and trends of Loop 12 )
4. The following is the lane you're allowed to be in
far right- trucks, work vehicles, loligaggers, folks over 90, hummers and the blind
middle- speed limit abiders, cars with children, hondas, the sane
2nd middle(sometimes not available) normal drivers, the sane
far left- speeders, nascar driver, the "im late" folk, people who just dont care, for passing
5. Just because there is a car broken down, a wreck, or some guy mowing doesnt mean we all slow down to see if we know them
follow these steps and you will survive the high five!!
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