About Me

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I'm married, Im a manager at Victoria's Secert, love my dogs, and I graduated from ABC to be a Biblical counselor

Saturday, October 31, 2015

The "Trump" has sounded. Now where are you?

Is that a car dealership or a church? 

With cars all lined up and an American flag flying in the wind. I can't seem to tell anymore. 

Home of the brave 
Where the flag flys high and like Starbucks there is a church on every corner.

And yet we fear for our children to go to school 
And religious freedom is only for a select few 
Where we pull our personal devices out to shame and judge others in just a fraction of a second.

The Bible says when the Trump has sound you shall return and oh my god has he ever. Where are you in this mess? 

This is not their problem or his problem or her problem it's our problem.

May the numbness fade

Stop whispering 

We can't hear you 

It must change 

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Calling all renegades

The world behind me the cross before me
The world behind me the cross before me
The world behind me the cross before me
no turning back, no turning back

 (I Have Decided to Follow Jesus | S. Sundar Singh

I was one of them. I was a solider. 

I had pledged allegiance to the almighty nation of God that was here to judge the world for what it had done to itself. Interestedly enough how "God" "created" man who had somehow fallen so far from the original plan that we had screwed everything up so bad enough to end it all.

I was one of them. I would never say it out loud. I would never really understand that what I was really saying was that God was a terrorist. I mean really, think about it. Related to the term terrorism it is the systematic use of terror, often violent, especially a means of coercion( fancy word to say the practice of forcing another party to act in an involuntary manner). This was the misuse of power we saw/see in the church. We even see it throughout the story of humanity right? We try to use power to control each other into our own thinking. We have seen this all too recently with shootings,with politics, religious preferences, you name it. 

I'm now standing up and saying enough. We must STOP.  

Stop- saying racism doesn't exist 
Stop- excepting that "this is the way it is"
Stop- giving the excuse that sexuality equality is a pipe dream 
Stop- shrugging off comments of political abuse as "Gods will" 
Stop- looking down on the "lower class" as less than equal 
Stop- having Facebook discussions as our only outlet 

Start speaking out. Start making some waves. Start being a renegade. 

A renegade. It's a pretty cool word you have to admit. It sounds kind of bad ass when you get down to it. It is the kind of word that makes me want to drink whiskey and get a tattoo. A really cool tattoo. So of course, as a word nerd I have to tell you it means by definition 

a person who deserts a party or cause for another.

an apostate from a religious faith.

So , I'm taking the stand. I'm a renegade. I'm completely abandoning the past and leaping into a "faith" that leaves me in the middle of a humanity crisis. The world needs people like me. People like you. That want to bring the message of hope. That not everything is figured out or calculated. That the God we have been taught is not a terrorist. He is one to say this is not ok, the love I wanted you to experience is more than this for mankind. Rather, God is standing on the side of the rebellious line saying "fuck the injustice." "Fuck this inequality around you and let's get down to making humanity all its meant to be." (I feel "fuck" is a word a renegade would use). 

So, to my fellow renegades (re look at the definition) Yes! That's you!

Keep blogging. Keep raising hell. Keep challenging those around you. Keep standing up to what you know in your heart isn't right. 

My hope is one day we will be heard loud and clear over the voice of injustice, racism, inequality and hatred. 

To borrow the lyrics, in a new meaning (read this next part in your most bad ass renegade voice) -

Though none go with me, still I will follow;
Though none go with me, still I will follow;
Though none go with me, still I will follow;
No turning back, no turning back.

#liveonasone #love #hopeforthefuture #noturningback 

Thursday, May 14, 2015

The accidental vegetarian who sometimes believes in God

I feel like we know each other fairly well enough to share my current thought of the day with you. But, no judgement please unless you actually read the whole thing!

Sometimes I would consider myself a vegetarian based on my diet.
Sometimes I wear leggings as pants.
Sometimes I don't believe God.


None of these things are on purpose. I find myself standing in the midst of life saying "yeah, I guess I do think that or I guess I do that." It's not something I set my mind to. It just sort of happened.
Ok, now what do I really mean by that comment of not believing in God? I mean I don't believe in God as in how people are currently portraying Him/She/It. 

I'd like to tell you a little bit about Larry. I have this guy at work who is so adamant about telling me the word of God and how I need to see that we are to follow it word for word.  There seems to be a scripture that offers a "simple" solution to whatever my problem may be at that moment. He explains that all I need is to be open to the harshness of the instructions God has given us to live a better life. This all really being about My soul. My afterlife. Well, fuck that guy.  All the scriptures and judgements. It comes across to me that all he cares about are the stars he will be getting on his crown.  He just wants to get his point across.  Does he give a shit about my time spent in hell? It sure doesn't seem like it. So, what does Larry do about people like me? 

What do we do with those people who want to do the right thing? Those people who believe there is a better way than what we've been taught?  Those who want the death of religion and the rebirth of love? (Coined by Kent Krabill) 

Larry, is really just doing what he thinks God is asking him to do. I feel I am doing the same and yet Larry and I don't agree on anything when it comes to spiritual matters. I guess my question for Larry would be what do you think Jesus was really all about? (Which I have asked him and that's another blog for another day.)

This concept that we have to believe a certain way to get to a certain place is absolutely crazy to me now. Hell. Heaven.  Who gives a shit? Jesus spent less time talking about those concepts and spent most of his time talking about the kingdom now and loving your neighbor.  I may be off the deep end here, but who came up with this idea anyway? 

Not sure where to go from here. Everyday that passes I feel more compelled share that there is a better way. To associate myself with the community around me that is seeking to be better.  Better to the people around me. And not just for a crown or because they feel like they have to do it but because they find themselves in the midst of wanting to find and feel true love.
We will choose to find love despite the odds, the ridicule, the disbelief. 

I leave you with some song lyrics 

Then you only leave space to discriminate
And to discriminate only generates hate
And when you hate then you're bound to get irate, yeah
Madness is what you demonstrate
And that's exactly how anger works and operates
Man, you gotta have love just to set it straight
Take control of your mind and meditate
Let your soul gravitate to the love, y'all
People killin', people dyin'
Children hurtin', hear them cryin'
Do you practice what you preach
Would you turn the other cheek

Father, Father, Father help us
Send some guidance from above
'Cause people got me, got me questionin'
Where is the love (Love)

Where is the love (The love)
Where is the love (The love)
Where is the love
The love, the love

#blackeyepeasknowwhatsup #whereisthelove 

Monday, January 26, 2015

A liberal Quaker, a Christian and a seminary professor have a conversation about Buddha

Sitting at the downtown court house it's everybody's favorite what may seem like a huge waste of time lottery -jury duty! What? Everyone is here and on time? Right on the dot 9am with the exception of like two people. This is going to go quick. I think to myself. So of course, we get the big "D", Delayed. Till 1230pm. So, I whip out my phone to locate a Starbucks, too early to snag a seat at a pub. So, I begin my quest for caffeine and a place to read. 

My navigation map leads me straight to the nearest Starbucks and I located a long table by the window pretty quick after placing my order. I was excited to continue the read of my Buddhist for dummies book. My church had recently decided to start looking at some the teachings. Grabbing my jumbo grande perfectly steamed but not too hot latte with some whip with room for cream, the atmosphere was perfect. Ahhh, it's time to dive into this book, trying to understand this whole noble truths structure stuff. But before I get a chance to pull the text from my purse a lady sits down next to me mid thirties or so, over sized sweater and a Bible in hand and what I assumed was a journal. Is God or Buddha or the universe snickering? I think maybe so. She smiles and says in a chipper voice "what a beautiful day huh?" 

"It really is" I replied. I don't see any tracks sticking out of her bible, we may be good here.

Cringing that I may offend her, unintentionally of course, I slowly slide my book onto the table and start packing my brain muffins with the keys to mindfulness. She is humming softly to the bluesy sound track in the back ground. I notice she flipped open to Ephesians 4. Where it says "bLet no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give cgrace to those who hear."  Wow! At that exact same moment I'm reading about the right speech, one of the paths, it's really getting to the same point. How cool?! Ok, geek out Jesus nerd freak out moment over, time to get serious here! 

I carry on in my reading for a few tracks and a gentleman joins our table, with some sort of blended green tea, probably laced with some sort of vitamins in hand along with stacks and stacks of papers in hand. He begins to skim over what looked to be a screen play it was so thick. A writer? No laptop or I-device. My eyes caught eye of a satchel. A professor? He reaches into his jacket pocket for his glasses. Totally a professor, nailed it! The first page up at the top right hand corner was titled "An introduction to dynamics of missional development in the church".  Ah,a seminary professor. This should be good.

Sip, flip, sip, sniff, sip, flip,flip sip.  Time passes. People order. Coffee is made. You get the picture.

He looks up. Scans the table. Squints a bit.

"Excuse me, miss?"

I pull the one small head phone from my right ear.

"yes?" I replied thinking A.He's going to ask me for the time. B. I'm about to be plastered with a Holy Ghost divine meeting to discuss my soul or C. I have possibly spilled something on myself or have something stuck in my hair/teeth/glasses. Any of these options more than plausible.

"I don't mean to disturb you, but couldn't help but notice the book" he points to "just curious what brought you to pick it up." 

"Well, my church (I guess that is what you call us, we are a rather odd group that gathers together in search of truth, trying to follow Jesus and love and care for all people. So, for now church it is.) is starting to go through some of the teachings and we are studying it." 

"Oh cool, so like with all religions and seeing the differences? I've done that before very interesting." 

"Um, no just Buddhism, for now anyway."

The young lady peaks out from before her Bible "So, is it like a religion study?"

Did the Christian church authentication board send you guys? Is that what this is? Am I being recorded? I really feel like I'm about to be ambushed. "No, I ....well, we are just always key on being connected to truth all around us. Wherever it shows up. Many of Jesus' teachings are similar to some concepts of the Buddha. We are just seeking truth outside of what we would label ordinary venues."

"So, it's not a Buddhist meeting. It is a Christian meeting, this church you go to?" He asks seeming genuine.

The woman laying her hands gently over her bible, head titled curiously.

"Well, sort of. I grew up evangelical. Moved toward southern Baptist and it turned into being a part of a faith community, to now we are just this group of people following Jesus. I took a quiz once that said I was a Christian Quaker mixed with Gnostic notes.  I'm kind of a religious mutt if I had to put a label on it."

The professor removes his glasses "It's nice to see people open to learning new things. Anything in particular that's got you thinking different so far?"

"Not really different, yet anyway. It really is just validating for me a lot of things I believe from my own short life experience so far and what I've read about Jesus teaching us and how we should live."

Petrified I'm about to be witnessed to.  The lady scoots her bible to the middle of our table. "Are you thinking about being Buddhist?"

"I guess I'm not not thinking about being a Buddhist."

"As long as you're seeking, you're getting somewhere. I don't think it's so black and white like everyone thinks it should be when finding your own way sort of speak" she flips the edges of her bible that has clearly had a good life. Highlights, fading and pages partially falling out.

The professor chimes in with enthusiasm "yeah, I mean Jesus did that a lot, you know he never told anyone the same thing about following him and yet he treated everyone the same, equal with utmost respect."

"Yeah, that's interesting the Buddha was about this whole journey on finding the path to peace. He seemed to be on this quest to help others find that too."

He's now chewing on his glasses"Anything you do to try to get closer to finding truth I think is good. Now, we may disagree on what we label as truth. For me that's God. No doubt in my mind."

"That's great, I'm just not so sure as you. The whole no doubts thing and all. The thing that intrigues me about this Buddhist mindset is that they aren't about forcing it on anyone and it's different for each person. This notion of living a life of moderation and peace is very appealing to me. And I see that with Jesus and I just want more of that."

"Jesus was about peace. Not only with yourself but with others and I don't think there is a one size fits all answer on what that looks and sounds like." She says while fixing her bun with a bobby pin.

"I think everyone wants that. Peace. As long as that focus helps you help others I think that's your goal." Says the professor as he slicks back his hair

"I think Jesus would agree with that." I say

 "I think Buddha would too." Says the woman with a smile that wrinkled her nose

The professor chuckles .

I checked my phone. 10 till noon.

"Well, folks time to get back to my civil duty. Nice talking to you both."

The woman shrugs"Hope you don't have to stay too terribly long." 

He says "oh jury duty that's the worst!"

"It's not as bad as I thought it would be," I smiled and scurried out of the cafe back toward the court house, inhaled a breathe of fresh air, looked up wanting to say "very funny"and yet thought to myself "well, that was refreshing."

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