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I'm married, Im a manager at Victoria's Secert, love my dogs, and I graduated from ABC to be a Biblical counselor

Thursday, May 29, 2014



The recent twitter craze #yesallwomen has gotten me thinking about a lot of things. About the power of social media. About the multiple views surrounding men and women topics. About the way women are viewed. About how men may not even realize what they are doing when they approach a woman. About how Americans live in a society that is sinking in a consumeristic mindset. About how people all started out as beautiful little creations and wondering how we end up with people like Mother Teresa and from the same process we end up with people like Hitler. 

In the mist of the Elliot Rodger shooting rampage, many women have turned to Twitter to share their experiences of harassment, fear and sexual assault under the hashtag #YesAllWomen. A powerful conversation starter that is happening right now across the twitter-sphere.

This blog blurb is in no way to take away from the fact that women have banded together to share their experiences and the intent is to raise awareness. I think it's great.  However, this got my thinking on a deeper level about men and women, about humanity, about all people. Many would say that social media is distancing us, however I think this hashtag proves that the opposite is true. A friend of mine shares a similar view on that topic.

You can read it here........

But I want to talk about what this hashtag could mean. It excites me because this could mean more conversations. This is a great hashtag. I've seen blogs encouraging men to just listen. I've seen valid points on how women feel just walking to their cars at night. I've seen this as a platform to be able to openly share that in this way all women feel this connection.
I see more hashtags like this connecting us. Not just as women, but as Christians and as people,humanity. 

#yesallchristians at some point or another all Christians have felt discouraged, doubtful, and even lost. This is why people have turned to the faith to fill this void from within. They have also felt a  hope within the faith that keeps them drawn to this man named Jesus.

#yesalllittlechildren at some point all little children have a dream of what they want to be when they grow up, they struggle, they fall, they are always curious about the world around them. Their surroundings are a huge playground to begin figuring out just how the world works.

#yesallexchurchgoers at some point all church attenders feel burnt out, used, and have even experienced the fizzling out of filling up the calendar with events. They feel abandoned or maybe even let down that the church didn't really reflect what Jesus said he was about. 

#yesallpeople  this hashtag shouldn't be about silencing women but rather be about how all people have the need to feel loved, to be important, to live a life that means something. To be right again, to have the best for their loved ones, and to be at peace. 

It's time to start talking. It's also time to start listening. We as humanity all have this deep connection. When we start making it OK to talk about it and realize that we have more in common than we think we begin to see a little heaven here on the earth. I look forward to these connections. I look forward to these conversations.

Because #yesallpeople want to be connected. We want it to be ok. We want to know that we are not alone.

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