The dogs and I went on extra long walks today. Meeting new people and smells of course! There were alot of people out cuz of Spring break. They all have such a different way of taking their walks: Alby is very productive and is here to get things done so it is chop chop! Huby is just be bopping along and will growl at anything he see. Willy is the socail butterfly and has to say hi to everyone and everything he also must pee on everything! We also played outside alot today and just enjoyed the sunshine.

I got up this morning and walked with my friend Sarah and her daugther Lilly. We met at the mall and walked for about an hour. It didnt seem like that long but I felt really good for the rest of the day and it started my day out right. It seems kinda silly yo walk the mall, but it is great place to be safe and not have to worry about traffic and such. Even though I do work in the mall, I like that I can walk around there saying hi to people like Im walking in an office like "hey frank how goes business?" I think its funny. I also love to watch the old people I think they are cute. Up at 7am walking and talking over chickfil-a coffee.
-Nette =)
Aw I miss walking the dogs with you! It was a good way to start off the morning.. I liked them waking me up too. So cute!
ReplyDeleteand I wish i could go get some chips and salsa with my best friend :-(