I love inside jokes. Nothing is better than when you are in the moment and you both just start cracking up!! Here are my top ten, these are just the first that come to mind not really the best, just the ones in my head
10. DASH
9. Im a burrito!
8. homelss boy
7. road kill 
6. you are....
5. weiner patrol
4. you have nice elbows
3. cant help poverty
2. your team
1. monkeys and frogs
nothing is better than cracking up with your friends and people have no clue what you are talking about! Youve been there is seems as if you are just talking about something normal and BAM youve entered the inside joke. The glance of the eyes, the smile, and laughter! Good for the soul I tell you!
-Nette =)
10. DASH
9. Im a burrito!
8. homelss boy

6. you are....
5. weiner patrol
4. you have nice elbows
3. cant help poverty
2. your team
1. monkeys and frogs
nothing is better than cracking up with your friends and people have no clue what you are talking about! Youve been there is seems as if you are just talking about something normal and BAM youve entered the inside joke. The glance of the eyes, the smile, and laughter! Good for the soul I tell you!
-Nette =)
Oh gosh. I love that I know most of these. You crack me up best friend!