I was recently inspired by lady gaga and her song born this way. The message of the beauty from with in in fantastic, it is like my husband says he wants to make you a better you. He doesn't want to take away from how he created you he wants to change how you are you.
He made us perfect. Not to say that we aren't messed up. But the scripture says we were made in his image lets look Gen 1:26-27
26 Then God said, o“Let us make man8 in our image, pafter our likeness. And qlet them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”
27 So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him;
rmale and female he created them.
28 And God blessed them.
When we think about an image it may be a photograph that's captures a moment that takes you back to all the sights and sounds of that experience. Or maybe a reflection in the mirror that causes you to notice intercet details. Or maybe like a pair of prescription glasses that causes images to become clearer. And when you look at these images they have qualities about them. A still image can capture truths, emotions, and ideas. When god created mankind he did just that he made us part of an experience that we can share with others to pull together all the sights and sounds of what love feels like,he made us a reflection of his spirit that love always wins and people matter. He made us those lenses to help others see clearer that there is hope and purpose even though it may seem blurry and distorted.
Both male and female perfections can be seen in his image. The qualities of both should be embraced in the image in which we were created. Every person has that. Now unfortunately because of sin it damages that pure reflection that we all have of Christ. So we have to fight and make conscience decisions to be the reflection he created us to be.
Its like the photograph that was taken and over time wear and tear, sunlight, moisture give it that filmy overlay where you cant make out the original image snapped by the camera. Those feelings of not being good enough or making mistakes start to distort the image that god created us in and becomes this discolored, fragile photo in need of restoration. So how can we help each other to restore the image and share with others they are on the right track? It will take all of us committed to standing up for love. Keeping connected to faith when the image starts to become fade.
We as people, no labels, as people have masked the image of that god has put in us...we did that....but we can change that. That is the beauty of the story. That we as people, reunited with Christ can brush off the dust and smooth out the winkles of the photo.
And we will see that the details,small flaws, and the way the light depicted certain angles that those were the things that made the photo so precious. You were born this way.
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