Why do creationist force believing in/following God with having to believe in a literal 6 day creation. Where does God state that I have to hold to a certain creation belief to follow him? Does he even discuss the way the world was brought into existence during his time here on earth?
Reviewing a Facebook conversation with many good points on a friends wall I made the following comment:
Kent Krabill the point you made "The fact that scientists who dedicate their life to science almost universally agree that it is old does not shatter my faith, because nothing in the Scriptures demands that I view the Earth as new." sums up how I am feeling about this subject. I'm watching the debate now. I find it interesting, but find it something that I would like to discuss at times rather than having it over take and distract me from my focus of how to live more like Jesus. Thanks for your thoughts. Still need to read The lost world book!!
Next, many Christians use the Grand Canyon and the flood to support their theory. The bible says a flood overtook the entire earth! Yes, in the bible it says earth....but what does the root word mean?
The word can mean total earth....but here it most likely means land. Mass amounts of land.
Nye said scientists can track the age of stars based on their distance from earth.
"How could there be billions of stars more distant than 6,000 years, if the world is only 6,000 years old?" Nye asked Ham
Science stats, like polls, can say whatever we want them to. Reasonable that we see what we see and history is what we can't experience and that the bible has been translated over century's and is now is interpretation by others as what we base all beliefs on?
A good blog that sums up different views in a simple and easy to understand blog-
Books on my list
Uncannon accounts of genesis
Genesis through ancient eyes John Walton
The lost world of genesis
The age of the earth or how we got here I find it interesting, but again find it something that I would like to discuss at times rather than having it over take and distract me from my focus of how to live more like Jesus. I can't go back and see. I can't go back and explain. I can truly speak on what's happening now and what is happening to me I don't have a test to show you. I think many of these culture war topics are here to distract us from restoring the kingdom. We must not get consumed in these topics. Rather we must strip away and get to the root of life. God restoring people to himself.